A village history in West Sussex


Westbourne History Group

Bygone Series

No1. Trades People 1845-1938

No2. Village Schools 1819-1984

No4. Westbourne Then & Now

No5. Westbourne Union Life

No6. Westbourne Church Guide

No7. Cleaning up Westbourne        

No8. Westbourne Worthies

No9. The Bastards of  Westbourne

No10. Westbourne’s War 1939-1945

No11. A Millenium in Tandem

No12. Sindles Farm

No13. Westbourne Memorials

No14. Cottage Economy

No15. The Village Schools 1810-2011

No16. Westbourne and the Great War

No17. Tradespeople of Westbourne

Bourne in the Past

Other Publications

Sindles Farm

The River Ems

The Westbourne Story

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Numbers 1 to 5 inclusive out of print, further information on details and costs visit:


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It has to be emphasised that this booklet was first published in 1855, fours years before the famous work of Mrs Beeton.  It was aimed at a different audience – Mrs  Beeton embracing the new and comparatively wealthy middle class, this for the family of a typical village labourer.

The three main parts of the book are ‘lectures’ given to children at the National School at Westbourne when Augusta was a pupil teacher.  A lengthy preface and regular footnotes by the Editor/Vicar/School Head Rev. Henry Garrret Newland are both historically interesting and amusing.

The first lecture sets the scene, assuming a family with four children living (just) on 12 shillings (60p) per week and covering the house, the roles and pig husbandry.

The second lecture deals with clothing the family, and we learn of the vital nature of the Clothing Fund and that good boots are the priority.  The stricture that you “MUST NOT RUN INTO DEBT” is the only message in capitals.

In the last lecture ‘Economy’ is defined as the arrangement of household matters and it details a number of cheap and nourishing recipes, with the all-important costings.

The remainder of the booklet gives a wealth of background information: about Augusta, Rev. Newland and the Pitney family history.