

Kingley Vale





Scout Masters
SM Poley
GSM D Coasby
SM A Ford
ASM L Hart
SM D Cripps
GSM K John + Others
CM K Leaning

The First Scout Troop
First World Jamboree
Shackleton’s Expedition
Baden Powell’s Message

Scout Organisation
Scout Magazine
West Sussex Scouts

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A village history in West Sussex


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Lord Baden-Powell chose Saint George to be The Patron Saint of The Scout Association. He felt that the Saint George of legend set a good example of faith, courage and perseverance. St. George's day is kept on the 23rd April and many scout associations, in this country, have a celebration on the nearest Sunday. The Westbourne scouts kept to this tradition. On one such occasion the scouts, cubs, guides and Southbourne scouts led by the Salvation Army band assembled at Lashley's corner and marched through the village to the church. lt brought family, friends and people of the village together to show that scouting was alive and well.

The parade was followed by a service at St. John's Church conducted by the Rev Maitland Dodds. During which all Scouts and leaders renewed their Scout promise and law:

It was a reminder to the congregation about living up to a set of scouting ideals and values, of doing your best, working through adversity, team work and getting along with people whatever their station in life.

As the years have passed by the wording of the promise and law have been modified to reflect the changing views of society. However, the principles remain the same and are practised by millions of scouts throughout the world. One can be proud to have belonged to such an outstanding movement born in the history of this country.

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and the Queen,
To help other people at all times
And to obey the Scout Law

1. A scout's honour is to be trusted.
2. A scout is loyal.
3. A scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
4. A scout is a friend to all.
5. A scout is courteous.
6. A scout is a friend to animals.
7. A scout obeys orders.
8. A scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
9. A scout is thrifty.
10. A scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

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