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Having bought a range of camping gear either from funds raised by the committee or personally the next stage was to organise our first camp. It was decided to go to go to Kingley Vale on the South Downs. To make carrying the camping gear easier Skipper Ford built a box cart with long handles and supported on two bicycle wheels. It looked great and all the gear was piled on and off we went. Sadly the cart was not up to our expectations and just one-What is particularly remembered is the first night. It was Easter and a very cold night and what with the excitement of their first night camping there was not much sleep. We did not have the fleece-
It was said by the locals that Kingley Vale is a spooky place. Local tradition is that some Danish invaders were put to the sword by local Saxon forces there and that ghostly battles rage amongst the yew trees. During our few camps there we were never aware of any unnatural happenings.
Years later there is a military history up to World War Two when it was used for mortar shell practice. Even 70 years later, from time to time, live ammunitions are discovered requiring evacuation for controlled explosions. Despite such a risk it did not deter from our happy weekend camps.