Scout Masters
SM Poley
GSM D Coasby
SM A Ford
ASM L Hart
SM D Cripps
GSM K John + Others
CM K Leaning
The First Scout Troop
First World Jamboree
Shackleton’s Expedition
Baden Powell’s Message
Scout Organisation
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West Sussex Scouts
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At some stage the group ceased to exist and as no date has been recorded it was probably due to World War 2. The next date for the Group re-Having obtained the nucleus of a scout troop the next stage was to form a committee. The aim was to raise funds and support the development of the group.
The following volunteered their services:
Rev Maitland Dodds
Lieutenant Colonel Williams
Captain Hynes Royal Navy
Mr Todd
Mr Coasby
Mr Hart -
It was not only funds that were required but also a permanent place where meetings could take place. Although it was not an ideal shape the rifle range next to the school was the best available for our sole use. Groups of volunteers cleaned it up and the scout logo with 1st Westbourne Scouts was made and attached to the only exit door. Stanley Peake eyes the food while his mother opposite looks on. Behind her is Mrs Hart and Assistant Cub Mistress Mary Hart. At the top of the table is Cub Mistress Mrs Ford.